this Is my favorite book. The title of this book is called Animorphs It has 159 pages and this book is my favorite . I like this book because it has action and it has excitement, activate and animals it has a cobra, bear, crocodile, cow, humans and it's got amazing sicines one of them has all of them fighting an enemy called the yreeks. They have been signed to protect humans from an alien invasion there is also something called visser It has been a leader of war they have three leaves to become the most powerful visser in a galaxy. There is visser 3 Who wants to kill the animorphs because they have the power to morph into any animal they touch and there is visser 2 who follows visser 1 and there iss visser 1 who has a goal to take over the world and the animorphs with him but there's seven of them cassie, rachal, marco, jake, ax, tobie and david The youngest and newest animorph. Ax is the smartest of them all because of his brother Elfangor the one who made them he had been betrayed by visser three.
Visser 3 is an enemy that wants to take over a world so visser one will fall down to visser 2 they have to stop visser 3 from becoming visser 1 for that they would have to tell someone that has the power to fight back against the invasion. But they did not they went to take a blue box that made them they need it to make more animorphs they found the blue box with a little boy David. Before david became a animorph his house was attacked by the yeerks now he will find his family that was taken from him he is going to find his and try to help but ends up back to the animorphs he has no family but he is the only one was joined the animorphs.