TOTO TOTO TOTO the clock sang it’s annoying song , the sky was blue and white with a burning sun , the day was very lame and I was lying in my bed being the dumbest kid in the school . I would usually just sit in my room and beg my mom to make my lunch which would most likely end up with me making it , but today I just wanted to be alone.
As I walk to school I feel the sun burn against my skin , the school is about a 5 minute run but today it felt like I was running forever . I finally got to school . The gate has a light green color and as I walk around the uniform is black . There are people walking around with books in there hands . But not me , I have never worn my uniform and I have never done well I am often found in the classroom throwing paper planes around or throwing the ball in class . If I am not I would be in detention . The only thing I have ever been good at is maths , my friends do not know this because I have never finished my homework .
The days roll by as fast as lightning and winter is coming fast the christmas holidays are coming as well . There is a poster on the wall in the hallway which I saw after lunch that said advertising for a group to sing in the christmas play , My grades have improved now and the teachers are happy but sometimes I wonder around school alone . I enter the play and make new friends.
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